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Cat Personality: Discover the 5 Unique Types Explained

Learn about the 5 distinct cat personality types and how understanding them can improve your feline friend’s happiness and reduce stress.


This pet health content was written by a veterinarian, Dr. Pippa Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS. It was last reviewed on July 15, 2024

cat personality image
Is your cat a bully or everyone’s friend? By: k4dordy

Understanding Cat Personality Types

Do you know there are 5 distinct cat personality types?

If I drew up a list from my own cats, this is how the categories would shake out:

  • The skittish missy (Noni)
  • The hunter (Gromit)
  • The “I’m human, aren’t I?” cat (Widget)
  • Shy of her own shadow (Pilchard)
  • Everybody’s friend (the dear departed Wallace)

Think of your own cats’ personalities — can you relate?

Cat Personality in Numbers

A study from the University of South Australia came up with 5 personality types based on an analysis of a wider base of 3,000 cats.

To do this, the researchers sent out a questionnaire to an international array of cats (or, rather, their humans), and the results identified 5 distinct feline characteristics:

  • Skittishness
  • Outgoingness
  • Dominance
  • Spontaneity
  • Friendliness

The Relevance of Cat Personality Types

So what relevance does this have to our feline friends? Well, quite a lot, as it happens.

If you struggle with your cat’s behavioral problems or have 2 cats who don’t get along, it can help to understand what personality types they have. Then you can make adjustments around the home so that all the cats have what they need to feel happy and less stressed, which makes for a friendlier, more inclusive household.

Recognizing and Supporting Different Cat Personalities

So let’s take a look at how to recognize these personality types and what it takes to make that cat content.

For example, if you have 2 cats who are not getting along, understanding their individual personalities can guide you in making the necessary adjustments.

The Skittish Cat

These are anxious or highly strung cats. Typically, they dart away when visitors call and would rather run underground than face a situation they don’t recognize.

Key to working with these cats:

  • Provide plenty of hiding opportunities (cardboard boxes work fine).
  • Never force these cats to face their fears—this only traumatizes them.
  • Allow them to cope by avoiding fearful situations.
  • Gradually build their self-confidence as they learn they are safe.

The Outgoing Cat

Or “nosy,” in some cases—outgoing cats love to explore, investigate, and generally get themselves into trouble by going where they shouldn’t.

To manage these cats effectively:

  • Provide plenty of toys.
  • Actively play with them to vent their energy.
  • Use activities like chasing a laser or a feather-on-a-string to express natural behaviors.
  • Ensure they have enough mental stimulation to prevent destructive behavior, such as scratching furniture or house soiling.
Socializing a kitten at an early age can mean a friendlier adult cat in the future. By: mararie

The Dominant Cat

Unsavory as it is, the word “bully” sums up a dominant cat. These cats are less tolerant of others and liable to hog resources, such as food bowls and litter trays.

They can make a multi-cat household a misery.

To manage a dominant cat effectively:

  • Provide more resources (food and water bowls, litter trays).
  • Ensure each cat has her own resources placed at a distance to prevent hogging.
  • Play with the dominant cat regularly to reduce energy levels.
  • Engage all cats in play to ensure a balanced environment.

The Spontaneous Cat

This isn’t about spontaneous party throwing so much as acting erratically.

This type of cat may react differently to the same situation on different occasions. Often, a spontaneous cat hasn’t quite learned to cope with life and, when faced with uncertainty, runs first and asks questions later. He may also have to manage a mix of high energy and anxiety.

To support a spontaneous cat:

  • Never shout at the cat, as it raises anxiety levels and increases erratic behavior.
  • Establish set routines, such as regular feedings and playtimes, to prepare the cat for upcoming events.
  • Provide a stable environment to help the cat feel more secure and behave appropriately.

This friendly cat can’t get enough of her neighbor:

YouTube player

The Friendly Cat

This one needs little explanation—she’s the purr-y, head bunting, smush-against-your-shins type.

These cats are usually well-adjusted, often as a result of superb socialization when they were kittens.

To support a friendly cat:

  • Ensure they have plenty of social interaction.
  • Regularly engage with them to maintain their socialization.
  • Monitor any changes in behavior and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

Friendly cats are everyone’s dream and most likely to live in harmony in a multi-cat household. However, if your friendly cat changes character, be sure to see a veterinarian. Many common conditions can induce irritability or pain that can change a cat’s personality.

Tailoring Your Home to Suit Different Cat Personalities

Understanding cat personality types is essential for creating a harmonious home environment. Each cat’s personality has unique needs that, when met, can reduce stress and improve overall well-bein

  • Skittish cats, provide plenty of hiding spots such as cardboard boxes, cat trees, or designated safe areas. These cats thrive in environments where they can retreat and feel secure.

  • Outgoing cats require mental stimulation and physical activity. Ensure they have a variety of toys, scratching posts, and interactive play sessions to keep them engaged and prevent destructive behavior. This can help satisfy their curiosity and need for exploration.

  • If you have a dominant cat, it’s crucial to distribute resources like food and water bowls, and litter trays across different locations. This setup prevents resource guarding and minimizes conflicts in multi-cat households. Playing with these cats regularly can also help reduce their energy levels and dominance behavior.

  • Spontaneous cats benefit from structured routines. Regular feeding times, play sessions, and quiet periods help these cats feel more secure and less anxious. Having set routines can make their unpredictable behavior more manageable.

  • Friendly cats generally adapt well to different environments, but it’s important to monitor any changes in their behavior. A sudden shift in a friendly cat’s personality could indicate underlying health issues that need to be addressed by a veterinarian.Creating a home ta

Balancing Cat Personality Traits

Every cat is a blend of different personalities, just as people are. But by being alert to your cat’s personality traits, you can help him live with less stress and increased contentment, which is good news for everyone involved—both 2- and 4-legged.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a black cat personality?

Black cats are often perceived as mysterious and independent, but they can be just as affectionate and playful as any other cats, with their personalities shaped by their upbringing and environment​.

What cat am I personality quiz?

A “What Cat Am I?” personality quiz helps you discover which cat personality type matches your traits, ranging from skittish to outgoing, based on your behaviors and preferences​.

What is the personality of a calico cat?

Calico cats are known for their spunky, independent, and sometimes sassy personalities, often displaying a strong-willed and playful nature​.

How to describe a cat personality?

A cat’s personality can be described by traits such as skittish, outgoing, dominant, spontaneous, or friendly, reflecting their unique behaviors and interactions with their environment​.
